What your f*ckin purpose?

 The whole aspect of " purpose" has always intrigued me. The idea that we are put on the planet, brought into this world for a reason. It is really quite ironic that we base our whole being, mentality and fill our purpose void with the likes of a couple people who hold "power." Don't get me wrong, I do believe in the power of purpose, the power of reason and the sole idea that we at the end of the day are here to serve. But for what, has always been the question. Some believe its to save the world, others to have a family and live a life with the sole purpose of raising and building other little beings with purpose. So, my question to you is, if no one told you better, if there wasn't an economy that needed you to work for it, family and friends who didn't have an opinion for you, what would be your purpose? 

If you didn't know how to figure out your purpose, or find the clues throughout your life and yourself to build it, what steps would you take to find it? Or would you just believe that there isn't such thing as purpose, as reason. I feel like you cannot describe, control or dumb down the definition of purpose. Quite honestly,  I think purpose serves every, single, person differently. I think the idea of purpose for some people is the motivation to get out of bed, to go out and work and make coffee and watch sunsets. For some people, purpose is simply just existing. Not having the pressures of feeling like they need to find their soul food, or constantly feed a life itch they can never seem to scratch because to them purpose, can never be fully fulfilled. 

To me, purpose is everywhere. My purpose at this very second, is to write this blog post and hopefully it helps or resonates with at least one person. In two hours, my purpose may be helping an elderly person put their groceries in their car. In 2 months, my purpose may be creating another podcast to add to my popularly growing podcast. My purpose, is never having a sole purpose. My purpose is ever growing, ever changing and forever expanding. Quite honestly, I am so fricken okay with it. I never want my purpose to run out, I never want my purpose to stop growing and changing. I never want to stop looking into the world, and finding the beauty in never-ending purpose. 


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