People and Time are Opportunities

 Do you find yourself looking at people and time as an inconvenience? You catch yourself saying, " oh I only have short amount of time." or ," I should hangout with this person but I don't have the time." People and time are everywhere and it is up to you to decide what you do with that information. No endless amount of time or vast collection of people in your life will ever truly be beneficial to you until you start looking at them as opportunities. 

The average day for a person looks like waking up and starting their day by listing all the things they are not looking forward to that day. Whether its a meeting, a job or a prior commitment, they wake up and are immediately invalidating all of the endless information they can receive in their day, that can be positive for them and their journey. 

For example, have you been ever stuck in the morning traffic? How do you react? Do you get frustrated, drop a couple f bombs because you're going to be late for work therefore your whole day is ruined because you started your day off late. 


Do you remind yourself that at the end of the day, you needed this time in the morning to slow down, reconnect with yourself and need this extra time to feel ready to take on the day? 

This simple. yet effective method of switching your mindset is one of the easiest ways to start seeing time as an opportunity. At the end of the day you are only given so much time. It is the one thing that isn't guaranteed but the amount you have in a day is set in concrete. How do you want to spend your time? 

Now, the pathway to success isn't just a yellow brick road. It has twist and turns, valleys and trains that take 40 years to finally cross the track. Although you can't change the hurdles, you can better prepare yourself to tackle them. Teaching yourself to start treating people and time as opportunities are just one of them. So, we talked about time, now what about people?

People are unique, they are challenging, crude, smart, authentic, real and most importantly, they alway have something to offer. Now, I need to remind you that not everything is as it seems when it comes to people. This day and age allows us to connect with a click of a button and wifi signal, and show support by hitting the like button. But, the beauty of people and the real opportunity is in the people you see everyday. The gas attendant who you always see out pumping your gas. Maybe he/she has a revolutionary business idea, they just need one person to give them the faith to begin. The server at your local pub, maybe she/he creates content about helping you travel on a budget, and you have been struggling to take your who family on a trip. ALL of these people, including you, have something in common. You are aching for an opportunity. You are aching to meet that one person who will change the course fo your life for the better, you are hoping that someone will come along and tell you how they are so successful and how they are going to help you be too. YOU and ME are alike because we both have something to offer opportunity. 

The takeaway, the tools and the lessons that are embedded in these words are:

1. Every single day when your eyes open you are given the highest power in the world, you are given a choice to choose opportunity, choose wisely. 

2. Time is valuable because it is the only thing in the world, that is certain yet endless. Choose how you want to spend this rare gift. 

3. People are going to surprise you, even the ones who hurt you. The most rewarding lessons that people can offer, are the lessons about yourself and what YOU are holding onto. 

Time and people are the new currency for opportunity. Peoples wisdom, mindset and insight are far more rare and valuable than your instagram engagement. Time is more precious than your Honda Civic, so start choosing the things that TRULY matter, people, time and opportunity. 

Till next time, 



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