This Sh*t is Hard

 It's me, back again and ready for another word vomit of my thoughts into a blog post. All I have to say is, this shit is hard. Life is hard. Trying to find inspiration and inspire yourself, it's hard. But, I have also came to the realization, that I am so fuckin lucky. 

I recently finished the new series " Maid" on Netflix, and I definitely cried my eyes out at 7 am this morning because the whole reality of the show really hit home with me. In the show, ( if you haven't watched it yet) it dives into the life of a young family, and the girl is coming to the realization she is being emotionally abused. It shows her struggles of finding a job, figuring out how to start over all while having life beat the crap outta her. But, there are many good parts. The parts that show her resilience, the parts that show her breaking down, and the parts that show people coming together. I thought to myself while watching this show, " what do I have to complain about?" I wake up everyday not worried about affording food or where I am going to sleep that day. I have a job that pays me well enough to survive off, and all the opportunity in the world to do whatever I want with this life. I also realized that even though someone's hardships are worse than my own, doesn't mean that mine are valid. It just means that maybe I needed a reality check to be alittle more grateful for the life and opportunities I do have. 

So, that gets me onto the idea of, shit being really fricken hard. I just want to clarify, I know that no ones experiences will be the same as mine, and the shit people find hard may seem easy to others. But, regardless of what you've been through or you're going through, odds are someone out there has felt the same anxiety, regret, guilt, exhaustion and hopelessness you have. SO, can we all just mutually agree that life is hard, being an adult is hard, being a kid is hard, being rich is hard, being poor is hard. The minute we all drop our ego's, our walls we have built up to keep out other peoples reality, that's the day the world is going to become a much better place. 

My challenge to you is this. Take a second and think of someone in your life whose either still here or has passed through. I want this person to be someone that you once thought, " wow, they really had it easy, their life is so good, I wish," and I want you to offer them grace. I want you to tell yourself that they are also battling demons behind closed doors and they think that this shit is hard too. Now, I want you to reflect deeper, and I want you to offer yourself grace. For feeling like you aren't good enough or haven't done enough. For looking at other peoples lives and putting a negative filter over your own. This challenge is my favourite building tool I have ever used on myself, because at the end of the day the kindness we show ourselves, is the kindness we will extent out to others. So, be kind. Tell yourself daily how proud of yourself you are. Worship the ground you walk on before you dare worship anyone else's. 

Here are the main things to take away from the post: 

1. We are all living a life thinking this shit is hard, so take it easy on yourself. You are doing so fricken great. 

2. The struggles other face, are not the definition of who they are, but the stitch that binds them to their strength.

3. Greater good comes with greater grace, so always remember to offer it to yourself and others. 

Until next time friends, 



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