What's Your "WHY?"

I am currently reading " The Compound Effect" by Darren Hardy and you guys it has literally shook me to my core. I gave myself the small, yet attainable goal of reading one chapter a day, and every single chapter has shifted my mindset and stirred something inside me. 

The first chapter is all about what the compound effect is. To summarize for you, it's the combined use of effort and energy into a task ( along with some patience) and watching all of the positive effects come to life from it. For example, if you invest 50 dollars each month for a year, you aren't going to see extreme results, but you invest that 50 dollars each month for 5 years plus interest you will most likely be a millionaire. COMPOUNDING. 

Anyways, the second chapter is all about taking responsibility. We all believe that in any relationship it should be 50/50. Now, don't hate me, but that's wrong. You are always and will be 100% responsible. Didn't make it to work on time because the roads are bad? You should've left sooner. Your partner blows your whole house savings on a weekend in Vegas? I am sure that signs were presented before this that indicated they weren't trustworthy of having a direct link to that money. This chapter made me realize I blame a lot of my misfortunes and mistakes in life on others and my circumstances. I truly believe I would be maybe 2 steps further in life if I would've recognized that I am the one 100% responsible sooner. 

Now, the third chapter. Finding your why. He talks about how your why is what makes you stand out and pretty much is the bridge you need to have securely built in order to cross from mundane and comfortable livelihood, to amazing, wonderful, successful and extraordinary life. If you why and your will are strong enough, you are literally the avengers. Unstoppable, maybe prone to a few bumps along the way, but who isn't. So, what's your why? WHY do you want to be rich? WHY do you want to start that company? WHY do you want to move across the country? If you think your reasons for your why's aren't strong enough, then maybe it's time to find some new why's. 

My why, has yet to be discovered. I have my " I wants," and " I wishes," and sadly I think those come through a lot stronger than my why's. That anxiety of not doing enough, or not being where you want to, it comes from now knowing what your why's are. Your why's are your foundations of your greatest dreams and deepest desires, except your why's have the capability to make these dreams and desires a reality. What are you willing to do to get there?

Your tasks I am leaving you with today are as follows: 

1. Sit down and come up with your why's, and what you are doing in your life, with your values and your relationships to grow them. 

2. What are your values, and how do they intertwine with your why's? Evaluate your current life situation and ask if your current situation is aligned with these values. If not, you probably do not have very strong whys, or they are very malnourished ones. 

From now on, I want you to think of your why's as a seed and the sun as your goals. The more your life becomes aligned with your values the more water your why's get. The more water your why's get, the stronger and closer to the sun they grow. How are you going to start watering "why's?" 


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