Just live in the f*ckin moment

Have you ever been to a concert even though you didn't like the artist, but you went for the party? Or gone to an event that you couldn't care less about, but you just didn't want to miss out. I went to a concert recently and couldn't help but hear some guys behind me talking about how, " I don't even like this guy but we all know were just here for the party," or ," This isn't the party section lets go find it." They continued to come and go from the row behind us for the entirety of the concert. It made me think of all the times I did the exact same thing. All the nights I went out and jumped from bar to bar, trying to find the " best party". The truth is, I ended up not having fun no matter where I was because I had already set myself up for failure. I was never going to be happy or content with where I was because I was constantly looking for better. So, my question is, how can you actually enjoy where you are if you are constantly thinking it's not good enough? How can you go to a concert and have a good time if all you're focused on is FINDING the good time. As I have gotten older, I have realized that it's the people that you surround yourself with and the mindset you have that make life a good time. Its not how packed the bar is, or how " crazy" the section you're sitting in at a concert is. It's you, your imagination, the friends whose energy you're feeding off of and your ability to just stop giving a fuck. Some of my best memories are from the nights I said fuck it. I didn't have a plan, I didn't have any expectations, I just went with it, and that is what we all need to start doing. 

So what now? Well, you can take a second and check yourself. You can sit there, think of all the nights that should've been fun, but weren't. Think about why they weren't fun. Think about what your goal was. Were you going to live in the moment, or were you chasing a good time? Our societal views have been changed because of this need to also have the best time, and seem like we are. Did you even go to that concert if you didn't post an Instagram picture or snapchat story? Actually think about how ridiculous that is though. We are spending 70 plus dollars on tickets for a concert, plus 40 dollars plus on drinks, plus finding a ride or getting an uber, all to just show that you went. You did the cool thing everyone else is doing. You showed up, and you didn't even have THAT good of a time because you were too busy trying to pretend you are or trying to find it. 

So, what can you do to work on this: 

1. Focus on just letting go and living in the moment. 

2. Do things for you, that make YOU happy, not things that just look good on instagram.

3. Next time you're out, stop chasing just stay where you are, the best things come to those who wait. 

4. Start looking at your time as irreplaceable, because it's not. It's precious, stop wasting it. 

Until next time friends, 



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